Potato harvest ahead of last year
GOOD lifting conditions continue to favour the potato harvest, with total clearance last Friday (8 September) standing at 22,331ha, almost 1000ha ahead of the same time in 1999.
Following an easing back last week, markets are seeing further pressure, particularly average grades, with prices falling again yesterday (11 September), reports the British Potato Council.
In East Anglia and Lincolnshire buyers are resisting any increases with prices yesterday easing again by around 10/t overall. Bulk grade 1 reds are worth 125-150/t. Edwards are fetching up to 230/t, Cara 160/t.
Whites are mainly 130-150/t up to 200/t for best Piper. Grade 2 samples are up to 120/t, salads mainly 120-160/t. Bag prices are also easing with Piper mostly 110-115/t and other whites 80-120/t, reds up to 150/t.
Prices remain under pressure in the South and Wales. Bulk best whites are worth 140/t, reds 150/t. Bagged Piper are mainly 90-125/t. Other whites are mostly 90-100/t.
In the Midlands best whites are worth up to 170/t for baker size set skin wholecrop material. Reds are mainly 150-160/t. Bagged Piper are fetching 90-125/t and other chippers 70-110/t.
Bagged whites in the north are mainly 80-100/t up to 120/t for best. Bulk samples are mainly 70-120/t, more for higher quality.
In Scotland bulk samples are fetching from 70/t for best semi set, up to 140/t for best set skin samples, depending on baker content. Bags are mostly 850110/t.
The BPC weekly GB ex farm average fell 5.30/t last week, to 118.20/t. This compared with 75.11/t last year