Puzzle as goat gives birth to lamb
6 June 2000
Puzzle as ‘goat gives birth to lamb’
EXPERTS have dismissed claims that a goat has given birth to a lamb, reports the Daily Mail>.
Molly the nanny goat apparently gave birth to a lamb at writer Carla Lanes animal sanctuary at Horsted Keynes, West Sussex.
Ms Lane, who wrote comedy hits Bread and The Liver Birds, said one theory explaining the sheep-like offspring was that Molly spent a short time in a field with some rams.
But David Oakes, professor of obstetrics at London University said there was no evidence that sheep and goats could crossbreed.
Dr Agnes Winter head of the farm animals division of Liverpool University Veterinary School, suspected a sheep had given birth and a goat had adopted the lamb.
Or else it is a goats kid which looks like a lamb, suggested Dr Winter.
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