Scots branch looks back over 21 years

24 August 2001

Scots branch looks back over 21 years

TWENTY one years ago, Jean Wylie wrote to farmers weekly to ask if West Fife and Kinross could start a branch of the FWC.

A lot of water has passed under the Forth Bridge since then; many friendships have been made and sustained through thick and thin.

Club members celebrated their 21st birthday in July, their first meeting since February, so it was a good party!

Contact leader, Rina Stalker, has found someone to take her place next year, her deputy, Jean Reid. They are going to change places so that Jean has support for her time in office.

Jean works alongside her husband, Robin, on their farm in Carnock, near Dunfermline, and they have five children ranging from 11 to 23 years old. She is a very enthusiastic member of the club and I am sure members will continue to have many more years of fun and companionship.

Everyone at this club seems to take their turn at being contact leader, it works well especially when previous holders of the position like Barbara Stewart produce delicious birthday cakes. I wish all the clubs could run as smoothly as this one.

&#42 New Club

A new club is going to be started in the Rotherham, Yorkshire area. In similar circumstances to West Fife all those years ago, someone has written to say that they would like to start up a new branch. If you live near Rotherham, please get in touch with me at Quadrant House for details of the first meeting on Sept 21.

Jean Howells

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