Straw values not up to last years
Straw values not up to last years
STRONG demand for standing straw continued this week but most buyers have not been tempted to match last years values.
The exception to the rule has been Welsh buyers, says Lyndon Trumper of Abergavenny-based J Straker Chadwick. Many have opted to push bidding that bit further rather than pay higher haulage costs this season to bring in straw from the main arable areas.
Supplies of wheat and oats have led the trade averaging about £46/acre. Barley was cheaper at £30/acre. Alternatives – including pea, bean and rape haulm – were also in consideration for bedding.
Further east on the borders, Brightwells Nick Champion reports a slightly easier trade for winter barley which topped at £39/acre; winter wheat was also back at £40/acre. The collective sale of 147ha (364 acres) saw a big premium paid for clean straw with other lots showing signs of disease.
"Quality counted for a lot, but also location. Any lots off the main roads would be £10/acre behind handier fields.
Oat growers found demand for straw particularly pleasing with a top bid of £38/acre and an average of £34.24 being achieved.
It was a similar story in Shropshire with Barbers Bernie Hutchinson clearing almost 1200ha (2900 acres) in a collective auction. *
Straw values £/t (ave)
Area Winter Winter Pea/
barley wheat oats rape
borders 36 30 34 6
Wales 30 47 46 17
Wirral 34 29 – 14
Staffs 28 18 19 –