Student howlers – youve got to see the funny side

2 March 2001

Student howlers – youve got to see the funny side

They are enough to make a teacher cry but we hope these

student howlers will make readers chuckle

"Her twin heifer calf will not breed because it is a freemason."

"Milk let down is when the relief milker fails to turn up."

"A cow with milk fever acts like it is drunk. I would treat it by giving it a bottle."

"The water table is what sits in the garden for the birds to bath in."

"Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulics."

&#8226 Are you a teacher or lecturer who has been left perplexed or amused by a sentiment such as these. If so, wed love to hear about it. Dont worry, you can remain anonymous – all we want are the words of wisdom.

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