Big changes afoot in north-west
Our regional focus takes in the north-west, all but devastated by foot-and-mouth, where the farming community is picking up the pieces and looking to the future………………… 20
Cross purposes
Lamb weight and quality can be improved quickly by putting terminal sires on hill ewes indicate early trial results in Wales………page 36
Hefty hopes
Restocking farms which lost hefted flocks through foot-and-mouth must be a priority to halt the invasion of emptied open fells by sheep from farms in neighbouring valleys………………….page 44
Dairy debits
Every dairyman in the bottom 25% of UKmilk producers is losing £642 in income, a Yorks producer meeting was told…….page 51
Troupers stay on
New cereal varieties are set to take only limited areas this year, with stalwart wheats dominating certified seed orders……………page 59
Harvest round-up
Harvest was home for most growers from the Midlands south last week, with only beans and late spring crops to be cleared. Showers, though, are frustrating progress……………… 64
A good start
The East of England Agricultural Societys biennial Cultivations event takes place soon. Four-page preview of this key autumn event……………………page 72
Old ones best
With renovations and some modifications, a veteran Ford FW30 tractor has made a farm managers dream of high hp and low cost a reality…………page 79