Volunteers aplenty for protest march
The CLAGame Fair saw soaring temperatures, big crowds and massive interest in Septembers big march….page 14
Blue blood wins
At the Royal Welsh Show the debate on the eating quality of different breeds was rekindled after the Belgian Blue pair were awarded the interbreed pairs ticket. Full results……….page 31
Cubicle cash
High straw prices and rising somatic cell counts have forced some producers to consider switching from yards to cubicles………………….page 36
High sires
Rams with exceptionally high index scores should not fool commercial prime lamb producers buying in sires from performance-recorded flocks…………………….page 41
Barley boycott?
Moves out of barley production are gaining momentum among growers. One leading light wants a unified exodus from the crop………… 47
Mixed blessings
Blends of barley varieties and aggressive use of inputs are helping one Scottish grower push back winter barley yield barriers………………….page 58
All mapped out
Soil mapping technology is helping an Oxon farmer cut production costs with digital service providing the data………………………page 60
Breathe easier
The ability to breathe more safely and easily in dusty environments is the claim for a new respirator mask…………page 67
Combi thumbs-up
Replacing a baler and in-line wrapper by a new bale-and-wrap combination has made life easier for the operator and improved efficiency, especially in small fields. Contractors Special………………… 68