Swine fever news update

15 September 2000

Swine fever news update

  • Farmer devastated as herd slaughtered (15 September 2000)
    A FARMER caught up in restrictions imposed because of swine fever has spoken of his devastation after government officials slaughtered his healthy pigs.

  • Producers face bigger feed bills (15 September 2000)
    PIG producers face mounting feed bills following fresh swine fever outbreaks which have been confirmed in Norfolk and Suffolk.

  • Swine fever fears played down (14 September 2000)
    FEARS that swine fever could spread further following its discovery in a herd belonging to an active haulier, have been played down by an industry consultant.

  • Ban on Essex pig exports to stay (14 September 2000)
    CHIEF veterinary officer Jim Scudamore has announced that exports of live pigs and semen from Essex should not yet be resumed.

  • New case of swine fever confirmed (13 September 2000)
    A PIG farm in Norfolk has become the 12th to be confirmed with swine fever, the ministry of agriculture has reported.

  • Pig slaughtering cancelled over fuel (13 September 2000)

    THE fuel crisis bringing the country to a standstill has forced the UKs biggest pigmeat processor to halve the number of pigs it slaughters this week.

  • Vets slams minister over swine fever (12 September 2000)

    THE government has been accused of repeating mistakes made during the BSE crisis in its attempts to stop the spread of swine fever on pig farms.

  • Swine fever suspected on more farms (11 September 2000)

    ANOTHER six farms in Norfolk and Suffolk are highly suspected of having swine fever, the Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed.

  • Two more cases of swine fever (11 September 2000)

    TWO more cases of classical swine fever has been reported in East Anglia, bringing the total to 10 since the outbreak began in August.

  • Brown agrees to NPA support plan (08 September 2000)
    FARM minister Nick Brown has accepted a welfare support package suggested by the National Pig Association for farmers affected by swine fever restrictions.

  • Pigs smuggled away from zones (08 September 2000)
    FARMERS fearful of being caught up in new swine fever controls are moving pigs off farms under cover of darkness, the National Pig Association has warned.

  • Pig farmers urged to control anger (07 September 2000)
    A PIG industry leader has urged farmers to resist the temptation to target the government in direct action protests over swine fever compensation payments.

  • Another swine fever case in Suffolk (06 September 2000)
    CLASSICAL swine fever has been discovered on another Suffolk farm, the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed on Wednesday (06 Sep) afternoon.

  • Pig industry in new appeal to Brown (06 September 2000)
    PIG industry leaders were due to meet farm minister Nick Brown on Wednesday (06 Sep) afternoon in a bid to extract more government money to help farmers hit by swine fever controls.

  • New case of swine fever in Suffolk (05 September 2000)
    A FURTHER case of classical swine fever has been confirmed on a farm in the surveillance area on the coast of Suffolk, the Ministry of Agriculture has announced.

  • MAFF warns of more swine fever (05 September 2000)
    THE Ministry of Agriculture is expecting outbreaks of swine fever to be confirmed on at least two more farms within the next few days.

  • More swine fever cases expected (05 September 2000)
    SWINE fever is expected to be confirmed on more farms prompting fears that the disease has spread despite controls designed to restrict it.

  • Producers asked for 20p swine levy (05 September 2000)
    BRITISH pig farmers are being asked to put their hands into their pockets to help East Anglian producers affected by swine fever.

  • Further case of swine fever confirmed (04 September 2000)
    A FURTHER case of swine fever has been confirmed on a pig farm in Norfolk, the Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed.

  • Desperate farmers may spread fever (04 September 2000)
    CASH-STRAPPED pig farmers could be driven to deliberately infecting their stock if there is another outbreak of swine fever, a producer has warned.

  • Pig farmers driven to desperate action (01 September 2000)
    THE National Pig Association claims the government has jeopardised all the work done in the past three weeks to eradicate swine fever in East Anglia.

  • MAFF: Pig aid is a substantial bonus (01 September 2000)

    THE Ministry of Agriculture insists its compensation offer of 35 a pig for animals slaughtered in swine fever control areas is a “substantial bonus” for farmers.

  • Browns 35 per pig offer a disaster (01 September 2000)

    “A DISASTER” is how farmers leaders have described the governments offer of 35 per pig compensation for producers caught up in the swine fever outbreak.

    Update on swine fever outbreak (August)

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