The queues of cars were
The queues of cars were
long and slow moving
into the New Forest
Show which remains
popular with locals and
tourists alike in this
pretty part of Hampshire.
Tessa Gates and
Jonathan Page joined
them on the opening day
Above: Dexter cattle parade for the judges.
Old bodger Dick Aps (left) turns a leg on his pole lathe.
Above: An immaculate turnout: a six-mile drive in the forest followed the appearance in the ring for the coaching contestants.
Above: Shake that rhythm stick: The New Plonkers struck a rustic note or two.
Above: Active service:
The Worcestershire and Sherwood Forest Regiment gave youngsters the chance to abseil down a 30ft tower.
Above: Thirsty work: Cider drinkers and vintage machinery enthusiasts had plenty to enjoy. Dave Freemantle (above right) polishes up the brass on a Garrett Showmans tractor circa 1917 and (far left) Chris Swanborough from Lyndhurst was rolling barley in a Bamford roller-grinding mill circa 1930 powered by a Lister B static 5hp engine.