Threefold rise for wind power?
Threefold rise for wind power?
CURRENT installed wind power capacity in the UK could treble, following the governments recent announcement of the successful wind farm contracts under the Non Fossil Fuel Obligation 4 (NFFO4).
This means that the potential for electricity generation could increase from the existing 260MW to 1050MW – sufficient production to power the average elec- tricity needs of more than 700,000 households.
The new awards total 48 wind farm projects and 17 smaller community-based contracts – an investment of more than £600m.
Peter Edwards, chairman of the British Wind Energy Association, welcomes the new awards.
"With Britain enjoying more than 40% of Europes total wind resource, this is a significant step in achieving our target of producing 10% of all UK electricity from wind by the year 2025." *