Time to say Non to the French and their street markets…

30 June 2000

Time to say Non to the French and their street markets…

WATCHING France take over the presidency of the EU next Tuesday will be like witnessing the village poacher becoming the estate gamekeeper.

The countrys refusal to lift its illegal ban on British beef, in defiance of scientific reason and EU law, will be galling enough. But adding insult to injury is the fact that individual county councils invite French traders into this country to set up street markets.

farmers weekly believes its time to say "Non to French markets". Not until France respects EU law and removes its ban on British beef, should councils welcome French traders. If you agree, why not make your voice heard? Fill in the coupon below and return it to us.

Together, lets persuade local councils that we dont want French markets until France accepts our beef. Please sign the coupon below, addressed to Gordon Keymer, chairman of the Local Government Associations rural commission, and return it to us so that we can show him the strength of your feelings. Your replies will also be sent to the French Embassy.

Alone, it wont succeed in lifting the beef ban. But if we can encourage councils to act, it will help to persuade France, in the month that it takes over the EU presidency, that we havent forgotten or forgiven their illegal attempts at trade protectionism.

Dear Mr Gordon Keymer,

Many people resent the decision of some local authorities to promote French markets at a time when France, despite recently accepting the presidency of the EU, continues to flout EU law by illegally banning British beef. In your capacity as chairman of the Local Government Associations rural commission, we would like you to ask county councils not to promote French markets until France falls into line with the rest of the EU and lifts its illegal and unjustified ban.

Yours sincerely


Please return to: Non to French Markets, FREEPOST CN2908, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5BR.

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