Timing key to strobs effect
Timing key to strobs effect
STROBILURIN fungicides may have a greater effect on cereal crops grown in sub-optimal conditions, according to results from a major crop monitoring programme in East Anglia.
Based on the ProCam Groups crop management system, which monitors over 24,000ha (60,000 acres) of crops, the analysis shows how yields of winter wheat and winter barley grown on either side of the optimum sowing date are held up by strobilurins, but dip significantly with conventional fungicides.
In winter wheat drilled in mid-September strobilurins boosted yield over conventional programmes by 2.75t/ha (1.1t/acre). Early November sowings were up 2t/ha (0.8t/acre). That compares with an average response of 1.75t/ha (0.7t/acre) on heavy land and 1.25t/ha (0.5t/acre) on light land.
"There is no doubt that strobilurin fungicides should be used on these crops if the potential yield benefits are to be achieved," says ProCam Groups technical director David Ellerton. *