UK Holstein Friesian bulls take six of top 10 places
UK Holstein Friesian bulls take six of top 10 places
By Sue Rider
UK BULLS star in this countrys latest proof run for Holstein Friesians, with six of the top 10 from the UK and all with ITEM scores over £105.
The top five bulls all boast over £110 ITEM, and apart from Mascot who maintains his lead in the rankings with £121 ITEM, are all newcomers to the UK proof line-up.
Highest newcomer and number one UK owned bull is Exranco Thor son Rosparry Thor, with a PIN of £114, +1015kg milk, and over 3 on type. He is out of an Ex Starbuck dam who averaged 10,220kg milk over three lactations, at 3.66% protein. Avoncroft who tested the bull cautions that a high percentages of the bulls daughters are in the owners herd.
Number three on the list is Sunny Boy son Mars Silver Boy – although Genus is still waiting type figures for this bull.
Moving up from 12th to fourth position, and now top bull from Genuss Sire Improvement Programme, which boasts 36 bulls in the top 100, is MOET Jenny Ensign (£112 ITEM) by US sire Applenotch Rotate Rambo. Also from GSIP and moving up is Leadman son Genus Melville, in sixth place (£110 ITEM), with US sire Norrielake Cleitus Luke fifth at £112 ITEM. Fourteen new GSIP bulls enter the top 100, with Vic Kai son Genus Lancaster the top newcomer boasting £105 ITEM.
Other high ranking newcomers are Mascot son Genus Brooklyn, Sunny Boy son MOET Flirt Francis, and, from Semex, Aerostar son Grasshill Superstar.
Daughter of number one UK-owned bull, Exranco Thor son Rosparry Thor.