Watchdogs second bite at tractor logo
15 December 2000
Watchdog’s second bite at tractor logo
By Isabel Davies
A CONSUMER watchdog is set to launch another complaint against the British Farm Standard after its initial objections to the scheme were thrown out.
The Advertising Standards Authority has already rejected three claims by the Food Commission that a brochure promoting the scheme was misleading.
But a spokeswoman for the commission, which campaigns for safe, wholesome food, has hinted that it is preparing to lodge another complaint.
Simon Rayner, public relations manager for the National Farmers Union, which launched the scheme last June, said he was not surprised to find opposition.
But the Food Commissions complaints seemed to be more of an attack on the assurance schemes on which the standard is based than anything else.
“Farmers invest a lot of time and money in assurance, and it is good they can stand up and make these claims,” said Mr Rayner.
The aim of the standard was to signify good -quality, affordable food that was produced without damaging the environment, he added.
No one was claiming that it was the highest standard available.