Wheat seed short
Wheat seed short
INCLEMENT weather and increased demand is squeezing wheat seed supplies. Growers looking to grow quality varieties should order quickly as several varieties offering secure end markets are now short.
"A lot of the seed crop is still waiting to be cut," says Tim Hirst of BDR. Crops are blackening in some areas, affecting quality, and high screenings in some varieties, notably Abbot, are adding to the problem.
However, demand is higher as growers are favouring varieties with guaranteed markets this season, he notes. "Farmers have taken up the message of value added wheats."
He expects to see up to 30% of the wheat area sown with Class 1 and 2 varieties, up just under 9% on last year. "Thats one hell of a swing. Growers who want to grow quality wheat should not sit back." UK-grown Rialto has sold out and Charger is very short, he says.
David Neale of Dalgety predicts a lesser, but still substantial, growth of 5% in premium wheats. "We are out of Rialto and Charger, which is putting pressure on Hereward."
Soft feed wheats with potential premiums like Riband and Consort are also likely to run short, he adds. "There are a lot of farmers who have still to order."
"Its the first Ive heard of a shortage, but I am not surprised," says Keith Norman of Velcourt. "But if you cant buy it you may be able to save your own."