Wheat turning out fine

21 August 2001

Wheat turning out fine

TALKING from the combine, Keith Snowball, farmer and contractor from Bransby near York, says, “wheat yields are yielding surprisingly well considering last autumn and the poor seedbeds.”

“Savannah first wheat has yielded 10.6t/ha (4.3t/acre), with specific weight 76kg/hl. This is better than average.”

Claire has also yielded over 10t/ha (4t/acre), with a similar specific weight. The average for the clay-sand loam is less than 10t/ha (4t/acre). These crops are being grown for feed.

The crops harvested so far have been from September drilled crops. The later crops are expected to be worse. Only one wheat crop has disappointed so far.

Soissons yielded 4.9t/ha (2t/acre) for one customer. They still have 400ha (1000 acres) of wheat to combine.

Wheat has only just come fit in the last two days, having been sprayed off with roundup. They had thunderstorms on Saturday night (18 August); therefore the moisture has only got down to 20% today. However, the weather is localised. “My brother is combining 10 miles away at 15.5% moisture,” says Mr Snowball

Gerald oats has also done well, yielding 7.4t/ha (3t/acre).

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