Why let neglect keep you out of the seat?
Why let neglect keep you out of the seat?
ALTHOUGH they are almost totally reliable, abuse, misuse and neglect are the most common causes of ATV breakdowns. Regular daily maintenance checks will go a long way to assuring long-term reliability, writes David Williams.
But if you are buying a used ATV, or already own one which is beginning to look neglected, there is plenty that can be done to improve the condition, both mechanically and cosmetically.
The first task in an overhaul is cleaning. A thick layer of mud may hide many faults, from loose nuts and bolts to oil leaks, and there is a danger that dirt may cause contamination when covers and shields are removed during the service.
Engine oil should be drained and the filter removed. It is advisable to let the oil drain for as long as possible to allow any semi solids or other debris which may have accumulated to drain out of the crankcase. When refilling, ensure oil is of the correct grade and type, and that the oil filter is the correct one for the machine.
Most four-stroke ATV engines have overhead valves and these usually require little adjustment during their working life. On most machines it will be necessary to take off the fuel tank to gain access to the top of the engine, and then remove a small tappet cover.
Valve clearances are easily adjustable using a small spanner screwdriver and feeler gauge.
ATV main drive clutches are usually centrifugal, oil-immersed types, and cause few problems. If a clutch is faulty, then it many slip when the machine is pulling heavy loads or under rapid acceleration.
If the clutch is slipping, the clutch shoes or the complete drive clutch unit should be checked for wear.
Clutch adjustment
The vast majority of machines have a separate gear change clutch which disconnects the drive from the engine during gear changing and this rarely causes problems. But if the gear change is stiff to operate, it is likely that adjusting the clutch setting in accordance with the operators manual will improve things.
Drive shafts and bearings should be checked for excessive wear and replaced if necessary. Oil within the final drive units and transfer gearboxes should be drained completely and the condition checked. Any evidence of contamination and the seals and breather tubes should be inspected for damage.
Brake hubs should be scrutinised and cleaned using a specialist brake cleaning fluid to protect the repairer from the risks of harm caused by brake dust. Most ATV brakes are adjusted by a knurled nut which screws in or out of its housing, and this should be checked for correct operation.
Replacement brake shoes should be fitted if required and adjusted in accordance with the handbook.
Hydraulically operated brakes should be checked for contamination of the brake fluid or leaks, and the fluid replaced if necessary. Bleeding the brakes can be easier if an additional helper is available. Cable operated brakes are easier to adjust and maintain, and the cables should be checked for serviceability and lubricated or replaced if necessary.
Parking brakes should be checked, as the locating lug of the locking lever may be worn and need replacing.
ATV batteries and fuses are usually accessible and replacement fuses must be of the correct size and type. Most ATV batteries are the sealed-for-life type, and maintenance-free, but problems can be encountered if they become fully discharged. It is interesting to note that most normal battery chargers will not recharge a flat ATV battery as a special type of charger is required.
Cracks investigated
Cracks in the plastic fairing can be repaired and the cause should be investigated. Some cracks are a result of obvious accident damage, while others may result from a bent or broken fender support bar. If the support is damaged and is not replaced or repaired, the plastic will probably crack again in the same place.
Plastic fenders can be made to shine with a good quality plastic polish, but the finish may be damaged by a very hot steam cleaner.
Torn seat covering allows rain to soak the sponge interior, causing rapid deterioration of both seat and rider alike. New seats cost up to £175 but an existing one can be professionally recovered for under £35.
Broken load racks can be repaired, but a tidy repair is difficult to achieve and brazing or mig welding give the best results. The rack mounting bolts should be kept tight to stop the rack being damaged by flexing. Straighten bent racks carefully as bent tubbing can become brittle.
Service manuals for the main makes and models are available from the manufacturers, costing between £20 and £30 each and are a big help with routine service tasks.
But some jobs need special tools which should be available from a specialist main dealer. In addition, dealers should be able to carry out major tasks much more quickly than a farm workshop. For the less than keen farmyard mechanic that could be a more economic option.n
The ATV in need of a major overhaul?
Most ATV drive clutches are designed for a long life and cause few problems.
When the rear brake cover and drum are removed the condition of the brake shoes may be checked.
Engine oil and filter should be changed regularly.
Check the condition of protective dust seals and for excessive play in steering joints.