Below average yields near Bristol

Yields have been below average at Freemans Farm, Barrow Gurney, Bristol, but the crops are dry and in the barn.

“We finished harvest on 29 August and the crops turned out better than we thought a month or two ago,” said Chris Vowles.

“We only had winter barley and winter wheat; bushelweights were good, they came in dry, and gave a decent crop of straw.”

Both the Suzuka winter barley and Claire wheat averaged about 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre).

“It was so dry early on that we didn’t put any nitrogen on in the spring – so the yields aren’t bad, considering.”

Most people had finished harvest in the area, he added. “There are one or two fields still to be done, but most people finished up over the weekend.”

Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Suzuka
Yield: 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre)

Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Claire
Yield: 6.2t/ha (2.5t/acre)

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