Bristol wheat yields disappoint

Wheat is coming in dry but yields are disappointing, said Bristol farmer Chris Vowles from Freemans Farm. He said Claire yielded 7.5t/ha last year, but only 6t/ha this year due to the bad sowing conditions last autumn and the lack of rain this year.

Yields were fine on heavier soil, but were down on lighter land which he said was upsetting because input costs are high for both types.

But Mr Vowles was pleased with the large amount of straw and excellent wheat quality. Moisture was low and the crop was easy to cut.

Despite being disappointed with low prices, he still plans to grow 12ha of wheat and 12ha of barley in case they improve. He also has a local buyer for the grain and uses the straw on-farm.

Mr Vowles has cut down the amount of combinable crops over the past few years as he is not making enough money from them: “It’s not worth wearing the combine out at £60/tonne.”

  • Crop/Variety: Claire winter barley

  • Area: 12ha

  • Yield: 6t/ha

  • Quality: N/A

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