Cereals 2010: Dow launches new grassweed herbicide

Dow AgroSciences has launched its new grassweed herbicide, Broadway Sunrise, at Cereals 2010.
Based on pyroxsulam, one of the active ingredients in the firm’s Broadway Star, the new product also contains pendimethalin, which adds some blackgrass activity.
But the firm’s Stuart Jackson stressed Broadway Sunrise should be targeted at mixed populations of grassweeds where blackgrass was not the key weed.
“We know in Yorkshire, for example, there was a lot of interest in using Broadway Star for ryegrass control, where there was also some blackgrass. This product is targeted for those situations,” he said.
Ideally it should be applied at 1-3 leaf stage of the weed in the autumn, following a pre-emergence herbicide application.
Because the product contains pendimethalin, the restriction on the maximum amount of that active that can be applied in a season has to be watched. “It means you can only apply a maximum of 3.0 litres/ha of Crystal pre-emergence, but if you’re in a situation where you need more for blackgrass, it probably isn’t a situation you should be using Broadway Sunrise.”
For more from the event see our dedicated Cereals 2010 page.