Channel 4’s Lie of the Land documentary maker to be quizzed at the RSA

Documentary maker Molly Dineen is to be quizzed about her controversial documentary about British agriculture – The Lie of the Land – at the Royal Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce.

Her film, which was aired on Channel 4 on 3 May, has sparked considerable debate inside and outside agriculture.

Following a screening at the RSA on Monday 21 May at 6.30pm, Dineen will talk to former editor of The Independent, Rosie Boycott, about Britain’s rural economy and traditional way of life.

Her documentary chronicles the decline of Britain’s small-holding, independent farming industry in the context of the rise of the power of the supermarkets.

The film charts the daily life of farmers and farm workers exploring, in Dinine’s view, the destructive impact of disease and unsustainable development and how this has been exacerbated by legislation.

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