Combining at Nutts Corner

Gerald Erwin is combining today (26 August) at Nutts Corner, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, and is reasonably pleased with yields.

“The weather hasn’t been very good again – moistures have been quite high at 22-25%, but we’re quite happy cutting at that because we’re getting it in and it will all be treated with Propionic acid, instead of drying.”

Straw was proving difficult to get in, but the past three days had been dry. “That’s the first three days we’ve had back to back – until now it’s been a bit slow.”

However, progress was on a par with normal, with 40ha (100 acres) of Quench spring barley cut, averaging 4.9-6.2t/ha (2-2.5t/acre). “We’re quite happy with that.”

Einstein and Alchemy wheat had been coming off at 7.4-10t/ha (3-4t/acre), leaving about 100ha (250 acres) still to cut.

“Quality is fairly good – it doesn’t seem to have been affected by the rain.”

Crop: Spring barley
Variety: Quench
Area: 40ha (100 acres)
Yield: 4.9-6.2t/ha (2-2.5t/acre)

Crop: Winter wheat
Varieties: Alchemy and Einstein
Area: 30ha (75 acres)
Yield: 7.4-10t/ha (3-4t/acre)

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