Compensation for beet delays
GROWERS SUPPLYING late sugar beet deliveries to the troubled Allscott factory in Shropshire will receive increased payments to compensate for processing delays, it has been announced.
British Sugar has agreed to double the daily increase in the late delivery allowance (0.2% to 0.4%), from Feb 10 through to the end of the campaign, according to the National Farmers Union.
The allowance will be worth £2.39/tonne on Feb 10 and will increase by 12p per day to £4.16/t by the end of the campaign, said the NFU‘s sugar board chairman, Mike Blacker.
The increase will apply to all beet, including ‘C‘ beet, he noted.
Allscott is expected to finish its campaign around March 10, some 10 days later than most other factories, he said.
“These delays have obviously caused problems for sugar beet growers in Shropshire. It is pleasing that British Sugar has acknowledged this and we have been able to secure this compensation.”