Euro harvest begins

SEVERE DROUGHT in Spain and Portugal is expected to reduce production significantly. In Spain, harvest has begun in the south, with northern regions expected to begin within the next week.

Barley harvest is estimated to be down 50% on 2004. In Portugal harvest began in late June, but could be complete as early as mid-July, with some areas expecting to harvest 20-30% of their normal crop.

Producers in south-west and eastern regions of Germany have begun the winter barley harvest. In France, first cuts of rapeseed in the north-east have shown high yields, supporting the farm ministry’s estimate of 4.1m tonnes (3.95m tonnes in 2004).

Wheat production in Italy is expected to be 9% higher than 2004 at 3.4m tonnes. Industry sources report that crop quality should be better than 2004.

In the Ukraine, about 7% of rapeseed has been cut, with an average yield of 1.22t/ha (1.46t/ha in 2004). About 5% of barley has been harvested, with an average yield of 2.28t/ha (2.74t/ha in 2004). With 0.26m tonnes of wheat cut, the average yield is 2.34t/ha (2.75t/ha in 2004).

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