Finishing up near Salisbury
Stephen Moore expects to finish harvest at Manor Farm, Stapleford, Wiltshire, tomorrow night (6 September), and will be pleased to see the back of it.
“It’s been a nightmare – the wheats have been appalling, with low bushel weights and yields of 7.4t/ha and under,” he said.
Diego had produced a better sample than the Gallant, but yielded equally badly. “The protein in Gallant was very high, at 14%, but bushel weights are down at 70kg/hl.”
Grass grown for seed had also yielded on the light side, he added.
However, Cassata winter barley was more pleasing, at 8t/ha. “We were quite happy with that, and it all went for malting at £180/t.”
Concerto spring barley was also good quality, and yielded 6.7t/ha.
Oilseed rape averaged about 3.7t/ha, with Sesame proving the worst crop and Expower proving the best, said Mr Moore.
“I’ve drilled 57ha of rapeseed, and am going to take the weekend off to go racing at my local hillclimb, and have a bit of fun.”
Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Diego
Area: 53ha
Yield: 7.4t/ha
Variety: Gallant
Area: 89ha
Yield: 7.4t/ha
Crop: Oilseed rape
Variety: Expower
Yield: 4.2t/ha
Variety: Sesame
Yield: 3.5t/ha
Variety: V275
Yield: 3.7t/ha