First wheats good near Stratford

John Wilcox had just started cutting again today (Aug 22) having been held back by the rain for a week. Moisture levels were 18.5% and the remaining 66ha from 240ha of winter wheat was still standing.

Einstein was the main variety, with some Malacca and Nijinsky. First wheats came off at 10t/ha (4t/ac) but he said second wheats had not done so well. “They were early drilled, were affected by disease and the dry weather. It was probably due to farm management on my part.”

Alchemy came off at 10t/ha (4t/ac) and he planned to grow it as a second wheat next time.

Quality had all been quite good but was very good on the first wheat. “We thought it would have suffered in the drought but it was good with good bushel weights.”

But some second wheat on lighter land had suffered in the dry weather, he said.

“It’s good we have not had to dry anything until now and we’re getting £75/t from the local mill.”

Mr Wilcox said harvest had been good until now but it depended on how long the rain would last.

“It’s been quite good to have some rain. Some people needed the moisture for drilling oilseed rape and we needed it for potato lifting – we’ve saved money on diesel and can stop irrigating.”

• Crop: Winter wheat
• Variety: Einstein, Malacca, Nijinsky, Alchemy
• Area: 174ha (435ac) cut of 240ha (600ac)
• Yield: 10t/ha
• Quality: Good on first wheats

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