Freak storm costs farmer dear

According to Mr Mills the thunder and hail storm caused £20,000 worth of damage to 45ha (110 acres) of Winner and Recital oilseed rape that was ready to harvest.

“On Friday I just felt like chucking it all in, but I suppose we just have to carry on.

“From a distance it looked like it had been snowing – the fields were completely white.”

Mr Mills said the hail had shattered nearly all the pods because the crop was so close to being harvested.

“We contacted the insurance company to see if we were covered from hail damage, but unfortunately we’re not.

“Our insurance protects us against flood damage, and my grain store is flooded at the moment, but it’s empty because I haven’t been able to start harvesting yet.”

He now has 16ha (40 acres) of oilseed rape left standing. As this field wasn’t as ripe as the other, it hadn’t been affected by the hail so badly.

He also reported that his 90ha (220 acre) wheat crop is now completely flat due to the very high winds.

“The wind ripped an oak tree out of the ground so all the roots were pointing upwards into the air and my grain trailer was blown across the yard by the wind.

“Luckily we didn’t have any damage to any of the buildings.”

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