Harvest Highlights: Bushels concern

Send us your views on harvest progress/prospects: Karen.Willmer@rbi.co.uk

WHEAT BUSHEL weights are below average for a number of growers, according to latest reports.

Many of those on lighter land in southern and eastern areas have highlighted concerns over low bushel weights, possibly as a consequence of wet establishment last autumn combined with drought in June and July.

Oxfordshire farmer Anthony Gibbons said bushel weights for his Einstein came in at 72-75kg/hl, compared to a more normal 80kg/hl.

On his light chalky clay, he was also concerned that wheat yields were around 20% down on average, although proteins and Hagbergs were holding up well at the moment, he said.

While Cambridgeshire farm manager Paul Drinkwater was happier with yields, he had also found disappointing bushel weights. His Malacca made full milling specification and yielded 8.5-9t/ha.

He is generally very happy with progress so far and believes that establishment and growing conditions throughout the season have been generally good on his farm, which has helped yields.

In Scotland conditions during grain filling have been favourable and this should result in high bushel weights, added Thistle Agronomy’s Douglas Bain.

Following warm, dry weather with adequate soil moisture from mid-June onwards, most winter barley provided “good bold samples” and he hopes this will be true for winter wheat.

“I’ll be very disappointed if wheat bushel weights are not high.” He expects many growers in Scotland to begin cutting wheat within the next week or so.

But after delaying drilling until the end of November, FARMERS WEEKLY Farmer Focus writer Andrew Peddie, said his Robigus and Consort is still three weeks off.

Despite this, crops are generally looking OK and he hopes to achieve average yields.

See FWi’s Harvest Highlights section for the regional reports in full and more from around the country, updated every day.

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