Harvest over for Yorkshire farmer
He has contractors coming back on his farm this afternoon to cut the remaining wheat.
“It‘s lost all of its quality so it will have to be sold off as feed but I‘m just happy that the ground is dry enough here to let us combine.”
Yields have also been disappointing. He says yields are down 1.24 t/ha (0.5 t/acre) in comparison to last year.
The Claire has done particularly badly yielding 8.03 t/ha (3.25 t/acre) while Robigus has performed better at 9.27 t/ha (3.75 t/acre).
He thinks the Claire has been affected by orange blossom midge but is not entirely sure.
“It‘s considerably down on last year, but we can‘t complain – we‘ve got it in, we‘re more fortunate than some of the other farmers round here.”
Mr Lamplough has started thinking about what to drill for next year but has become frustrated with the single farm payment.
“I don‘t know what to do because of the unanswered questions from the single farm payment. We need some quick answers.
“They don‘t appreciate that we plan up to 18 months in advance and we need to know what needs to be done.”