NFU AGM: FWi’s conference report

The National Farmers’ Union annual general meeting takes place on 26 and 27 February at Birmingham Metropole Hotel.

Keep up to date on this page with all the latest news and views from the union’s annual conference as our team of FWi reporters hunts out the top stories.

Here are the main stories from the conference…

Poultry News from the NFU Conference 2007

Natural England boss suggests ‘raising the bar’ on Entry Level Stewardship Scheme

NFU Conference podcast – Peter Kendall rated

Lord Rooker hints at badger cull to tackle TB

NFU admits doing a “poor job” engaging with young people

Food differentiation is future of UK farming – Steve Esom

Peter Kendall commends Farmers Weekly’s coverage of TB in badgers

EU Commission sugar reforms have hit efficient producers hardest – NFU

Three dairy farmers a day quit the industry, Kendall tells NFU AGM

NFU annual conference in pictures

DEFRA pledges to develop a green labelling system for food

GM crops have vital role to play, says John Gummer

Miliband comes under pressure to tackle TB

Sainsbury’s promises more cash for its milk producers

Fischer Boel calls for Common Agricultural Policy changes

NFU Mutual launches new insurance for tenants

Tim Bennett to sit as board member of Levy Board UK

NFU challenges supermarkets over undelivered promises


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