NFU president suspended from NRoSO

NFU president Peter Kendall has admitted that he has been suspended from the National Register of Sprayer Operators, due to not obtaining sufficient CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points.

Speaking at yesterday’s Norfolk Farming Conference near Norwich (which itself carried BASIS and NRoSO points) he said that despite attending and speaking at a number of conferences and events, he had failed to claim all points he was entitled to and now had to go back and submit evidence to NRoSO organisers.

At the end of last year, Farmers Weekly reported that over 6000 NRoSO members were in danger of failing to meet the minimum 30 points required to continue their membership – potentially threatening farm assurance scheme membership.

Mr Kendall’s admission comes as the NFU itself is working with the management and advisory board of NRoSO to help improve their service and help members who are experiencing difficulties and set to fail to reach the required points by 2007.

The NFU is seeking a review of NRoSO and has suggested a number of changes:

  • NPTC (NRoSO organisers) work with the industry to develop a comprehensive training course that could be delivered or locally, or possibly online recognising the shortfall in CPD opportunities in many areas of the country
  • AFS farm assurance auditors be permitted to collate NRoSO CPD points during annual audit of members, possibly at a small additional charge
  • A 12 month extension for 2004 joiners allowing for early difficulty in collecting points, certainly felt in regions where arable farming is more dispersed
  • Ability for trusted trainers to enter points directly onto the NRoSO database
  • A full review of the scheme to streamline operation of all involved and reduce its cost
  • NRoSO to approach NSTS and request NRoSO registration number(s) recorded against sprayer tests with Member present

Tell us what you think of NRoSO in the FWi forums. Have you experienced any problems, or do you think the scheme is working well enough already?

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