Western oats and OSR make pleasing progress

The hot weather and lack of sleep are the only causes of concern for Shropshire/Staffordshire border farmer Paul Bird.


With oilseed rape already harvested and oats well on the way, progress is going well with spring barley being next in line.


Yielding 1.8t/ha and with a moisture content of around 7.5% the oilseed rape is around average for the farm.


Oats have just started to be combined but are already showing yields of 3t/ha.


Things are going well so far, despite the lack of rain and high temperatures, Mr Bird continued.


  • Crop: Oilseed rape
  • Variety: Castille, Lioness and Astrid
  • Area: 73ha (180 acres)
  • Yield: 1.8t/ha
  • Quality: Moisture 5-10%


  • Crop: Oats
  • Variety: Gerald
  • Area: 49ha (120 acres)
  • Yield: 3t/ha

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