Winter crops finished in Scotland
Scottish farmer Alec Webster said he had cut all winter crops at Lower Reiss Farm, near John O’Groats, but had struggled due to wet weather.
He had cut 28ha of Regina on his own farm and 36ha for his brother-in-law.
“It went quite well. We don’t get big yields in our area but it was good enough, and bushel weights all seemed fine.”
He had already drilled Peril for next season. “The grain merchants don’t want Regina anymore – it’s a shame because it does well for us.”
Mr Webster was preparing to cut Tyne and Riviera spring barley on a contract farm tomorrow (Sept 7), and said the crop all looked fine.
But he added: “A neighbour said to me one field of his spring barley looked fine, but another was looking washed and had really lost its colour from the rain.”