British Egg Information Service test ‘omelette stations’ in schools

The British Egg Information Service is to test omelette stations in three secondary schools across southern England in an effort to promote egg consumption among children and raise awareness of the positive health qualities possessed by the humble egg.

The cooking stations will be manned by a single chef and the omelette will be prepared in front of the children once they have selected their preferred ingredients.

With up to four omelettes being cooked at any one time, each station is capable of preparing many meals each lunchtime.

The trial will run for three months from October to early January and, if successful, will be expanded to include more schools. Initially the trial will be funded by the subscriptions of Lion Quality egg producers.

In addition to the trial, BEIS is revising the educational packs it distributes to schools following the recent announcement by Education Secretary Alan Johnson that home economics will return to the school curriculum next year.

“Eggs are an extremely versatile ingredient and we want kids of all ages, but particularly secondary schoolchildren, to be aware of their versatility and health attributes,” said Kevin Coles of the BEIS.

Sales of Lion Quality eggs have been steadily climbing since 2002 and topped 3,750,000 last year. About 58% of the eggs sold in the UK are branded with the Lion Quality mark and research shows that 88% of consumers recognise the brand and associate it with quality.