North Yorks potash mine planning process begins

Public consultation is about to begin on the proposed Yorkshire potash mine, which will be located just over a mile south of Sneaton and about 2.5 miles south of Whitby, North Yorkshire.

The proposed development would mine what is considered to be the world’s largest reserve of high grade phosphate for up to 140 years. The proposed site will occupy 4.5ha of a 100ha site at Dove Nests Farm, currently a farm and commercial forestry block.

Local public consultation exhibitions begin on 13 September and end on 28 September ahead of a full planning application being submitted by the end of the year.

The initial designs used the landscape to conceal some of the workings with shaft head frames and pipeline loading areas positioned below ground and covered in agricultural-style buildings which were in keeping with the rural environment, said project developer Sirius Minerals.

York Potash has submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment screening and scoping request to the North York Moors National Park Authority.

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