Scottish farmers to benefit from £5m broadband fund

Scottish farmers could have access to a £5m fund that aims to bring broadband to rural areas.

The fund was made available by the Scottish government and is part of the Community Broadband Scotland Initiative, which also provides information and advice to find broadband solutions in rural areas.

A new telephone line and website will be set up in October that aims to deliver practical support, while a team of staff will work on the ground to provide hands-on assistance.

“Broadband should not be considered a luxury in rural areas; it is essential to enhance the quality of life and stimulate the growth of the local economy.”
Alex Neil, cabinet secretary for infrastructure and capital investment

“Everyone recognises the importance of access to broadband to ensure that our local communities flourish,” said cabinet secretary for infrastructure and capital investment, Alex Neil.

“Broadband should not be considered a luxury in rural areas; it is essential to enhance the quality of life and stimulate the growth of the local economy.”

CBS is a partnership between the Scottish government, Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE), Scottish Enterprise, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and Local Government.

The funding will be delivered over three years and targeted at communities in the hardest reach areas.

The first round of up to £1m, will be aimed at community projects which CBS will then use as case studies for wider roll out across Scotland.

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