Small improvement in UK pig prices

UK pig prices have remained firm this week (26 March) despite falling EU values.
The GB deadweight adjusted pig price continues to improve and is now quoted at 105.3p. With most contract sellers achieving premiums of 3 – 4p above this, bid prices for bacon pigs are currently working out in the 108–109p range.
Spot bacon has also been traded at similar levels with small premiums available for lighter weight cutter pigs.
But with two short working weeks approaching over the Easter holiday period and the threat of rising levels of cheap imports, UK prices may be unsettled in the next few weeks .
A recent easing in the value of the euro which opened on Monday (25 March) at 67.7p compared with 68.4p the week before has done nothing to help on the export front.
Falling cull sow values are another sign that the whole EU pigmeat supply chain is under pressure with UK export abattoirs dropping their quotes to 64 – 66p/kg.
Meanwhile cull sow values have dropped by almost 10% over the past eight weeks. Around 90% of all UK sow carcasses are exported to Europe.
And UK weaner supplies remain tight reflecting earlier infertility and production problems.
The latest Meat and Livestock Commission 30kg ex-farm average price has risen to ÂŁ34.64/head. But with buyers still short of stock these prices are expected to improve.