Welsh Assembly begins 10 year plan for food
The first phase of a strategy for generating sustainable and profitable growth for the Welsh food industry over the next decade, has begun.
The Welsh Assembly Government wants to hear people’s views on a draft food strategy for Wales, a policy that aims to set out a wide ranging vision of the place of food in Wales.
To link in with the launch of “Food for Wales, Food from Wales 2010-2020” a series of regional consultation events will be held throughout the country in September.
Wales’ rural affairs minister, Elin Jones, described the strategy as “over-arching”, because it sought to set a “long-term, ambitious, and proactive agenda” to address the challenges ahead for food and farming.
“It will include cross-cutting strategic issues such as health, food security, sustainability and rural development,” Ms Jones said.
“I hope the public will engage with us on this consultation to make sure that the final strategy is one that represents the best possible way forward.”
Regional events will be held at venues in mid, south east, south west and north Wales. People who are interested in attending can register their interest before 25 August via email at foodpolicy@wales.gsi.gov.uk or by telephoning 0300 062 2384 or 0300 062 2216.
The consultation ends on 28 September. Further details can be found on the assembly website.