Pig & Poultry LIVE to put welfare centre stage

Leading figures in agriculture, retail and animal welfare will be brought together in a challenging debate ‘Welfare; science or perception, what’s our future?’ at this year’s Pig & Poultry Live.

Chaired by Martin Redfearn, head of Barclays Agriculture, the focus will be on the opportunities afforded by trends in animal welfare.

With consumer perceptions often at odds with science, what should drive welfare over the next three to five years? And what will this mean for our industry which already leads in Europe?

In an opening address, Ed Garner of Kantar Worldpanel will present a unique insight into shoppers’ behaviour when it comes to purchasing poultry. A distinguished panel will then set out their views of the welfare agenda and debate with delegates how it should shape the future of UK poultry production.

Speakers will include Andrea Gavinelli, head of animal welfare at the EU Commission and RSPCA’s head of farm animals, Julia Wrathall. Their presence will enable producers to engage directly with policymakers, and the scheme that covers 17.8 million layers and 40 million broilers in the UK.

Morrison’s head of agriculture David Evans will also explain his supermarket’s stance on poultry welfare, while NFU president Peter Kendall will give his views on the next steps for the sector.

“Welfare is on the agenda for the farmer, the consumer and the politician,” says Angela Booth, ABN technical development and assurance director. “Often there is tension between what consumers say they want and what producers think will actually benefit their livestock’s welfare. Finding the correct balance is crucial.”

David Gardner, RASE chief executive, says poultry producers need to supply consumers with safe, tasty, affordable food. Collectively the industry must find ways to tackle the related issues.

“We want British producers to succeed, so finding answers to questions of future policy, competition and costs, and communication with consumers is vital.”


Martin Redfearn, head of Barclays Agriculture: Martin is the head of Barclay’s seven specialist agriculture teams across the UK and specialises in farm business analysis, strategic advice and farm business finance. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Agricultural Management in 2010.

Ed Garner, communications director, Kantar Worldpanel: Ed is a highly-regarded commentator on the retail market, with almost 40 years’ experience in the grocery sector. With a background in sales, national accounts and marketing within Unilever, he specialises in retail trends and shopper behaviour.

David Evans, head of agriculture, Morrisons: David has more than 30 years of experience in the agriculture industry, having worked as both a vet and farmer. David has been Morrisons’ head of agriculture for three years and looks after agriculture policy, standards and farm programmes.

Andrea Gavinelli, head of animal welfare, EU Commission: Andrea is responsible for co-ordinating the integration of animal welfare within policy areas such as food safety, rural development and trade. He co-ordinated the first Eurobarometer survey on consumer attitudes towards welfare issues.

Peter Kendall, president, National Farmers Union: Peter farms combinable crops in Eyeworth, East Bedfordshire. Now in his fourth term as NFU president, he sits on a range of bodies in the UK and Europe, including IGD’s Policy Issues Council and the Copa-Cogeca Food Chain working party.

Julia Wrathall, head of farm animals team, RSPCA: Julia is an animal welfare scientist, with over 20 years’ experience of farm animal production. She advises on all aspects of farm animal welfare to the food and farming industries and to governments in the UK and overseas.

Sandra Edwards, professor of agriculture, Newcastle University: Sandra is chair of agriculture at Newcastle, where her research interests focus on nutrition, reproduction, behaviour and welfare. She has served on the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council and at the European Food Safety Authority.

Stephen Lister, Crowshall Veterinary Services: Stephen is a veterinary surgeon and is currently senior vice-president of the Poultry Veterinary Study Group of the EU and a foundation diplomat of the European College of Poultry Veterinary Science.


9.00am Registration and trade exhibition

10.00am Industry debate: ‘Welfare; science or perception, what’s our future?’

Chaired by Martin Redfearn, head of Barclays Agriculture

Opening address by Ed Garner, communications director, Kantar Worldpanel: “An insight into consumer shopping behaviour in relation to animal welfare when purchasing pig, poultrymeat and egg products.”

Debate panellists:

•David Evans, head of agriculture, Morrisons

•Andrea Gavinelli, head of animal welfare unit, EU Commission

•Peter Kendall, president, National Farmers Union

•Julia Wrathall, head of farm animals team at RSPCA

•Sandra Edwards, professor of agriculture, Newcastle University

•Stephen Lister, Crowshall Veterinary Services

12.00pm Lunch and trade exhibition

14.00pm ‘Innovation in people: securing our future’

Four themed discussions in a new informal cafe-style afternoon led by David Gardner chief executive, RASE.

* Encouraging the younger generation into the industry

David Yiend chief executive, AB Agri

* Motivation, employee engagement and its impact on profit

John Ryan, chief executive, Great Place to Work

* Recruitment, retention and talent development

Marion Regan, Hugh Lowe Farm, Kent

* Alternative labour models, another sector’s perspective

George Gordon, LKL Services

16.05pm Coffee and trade exhibition

16.30pm Conference close


Pig and Poultry Live will take place in Halls 1 and 2 at Stoneleigh Park on 15 May. The one-day business event, run by Grandstand-Stoneleigh Events on behalf of the RASE and partnered by ABN, is now well established in the interim years between the biennial Pig & Poultry Fair.

Tickets cost £85+VAT per person, with discounts available for RASE, NFU and NPA members, as well as ABN customers. Places are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.

For more information and to book your place, visit www.pigandpoultry.org.uk

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