‘Impressive’ Holsteins shine at this year’s Bath and West Dairy Show
With more than 350 entries, up 100 on two years ago, competition was certainly fierce at this year’s Bath and West Dairy Show, held at Shepton Mallet, Somerset. Numbers of Holsteins were certainly impressive, with a black-and-white taking the supreme title.
Concluding this year’s show season with a fourth supreme dairy title was Essex-based Designer Holstein’s senior cow Chalkfarm Jed Oranje, winner at Buck’s County, Edenbridge and Oxted, and South of England Shows.
Impressing judge Mark Nutsford in the breed championship, Oranje was awarded an outstanding 50 points in the interbreed championship led by Paul Miller of Shanael Holsteins, Evesham.
Sired by Juniper Rotate Jed and out of Sunstorm Oranje, she is projected to produce upwards of 11,000 litres.
Taking reserve spot was the impressive fifth calving senior cow from the Murray family of Wolverhampton, Warninglidgold Trac Charity, Jersey champion at the Dairy Show 2005 and winner of best udder at the Dairy Event 2006.
Averaging 38 litres a day at 5.8% butterfat and 4% protein, out of Danish W Charity and sired by Fyn Trac DGHB, the next showing venue will be Agriscot in November.
Taking first place in the heifer interbreed under Devonshire judge Duncan Vincent was Randolf and Silvia Miller’s senior Holstein heifer Moorshard Outside Finesse 32, yielding 9000 litres at 200 days.
Reserve went to six-weeks-calved Ayrshire heifer Hunnington Mandy, a homebred animal from Chris and Lisa Window’s Hunnington herd.