George Moss is busy setting up for the next season

Cashflows are now completed for both farms, and have factored in a significant drop in milk price for next season. There has already been a 15 cent drop a kilo for the current season to $6.35/kg. The biggest “fly in the cream” being the high New Zealand dollar, followed by falling commodity prices.

A new implement shed and workshop have been completed on the home farm and we are still waiting for the bulldozer to commence race work on the organic farm. The new shed will allow for safer storage for high-value but “portable” equipment such as chainsaws, compressors etc. Farmers are increasingly becoming targets for thieves.

Lame cows due to the increased rainfall have been an ongoing nuisance in both herds.

The organic maize which was to be “off” by 1 April wasn’t “chopped” before 10 April due to both slow dry down and the contractors running well behind. This means we are unlikely to see much feed from the Italian rye sown behind the crop before September.

With both herds milking well, the hard decision is whether to milk on and achieve high production at a good milk price, or dry off and be assured of a good start next season? As part of a DairyNZ project to improve cow condition at calving, both herds’ condition has been independently assessed. Andy’s herd is at 4.2 and Sharon’s herd is at 3.9. Both herds will need to be at five by calving.

Farmer Focus: George Moss

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