Livestock 2012 – Junior Championships announced
By Simon Wragg
A morning of smooth action in the cattle arena at Livestock 2012 saw judges move swiftly through the Junior Championships amid the gentle hum of spectators comments.
Praise should be given to the handlers – especially the young – for a quality turn-out which exemplifies the dairy sector’s ability to promote stockmen and their animals so well.
From the ringside a dedicated crowd saw the Holstein Junior Champion go to SP & SR Davies’ Castellhyfryd Stormy Patricia. By Hollowford Storm 3 and out of Castellhyfred Outside Patricia, she led Designer Holsteins’ Excellence Shottle G Lizbeth into Reserve.
Dairy Shorthorn Junior championship saw N Madeley’s Nejay Violet 5 victorious having been praised for being strong in the fore-end, good depth in the rib and of good dairy character by judge Gwyndaf James. This Nejay Amazon daughter is out of Fletching Violet and led IRG Collins & Partners’ Churchroyd Lasy Rose 18 being placed Reserve Junior Dairy Shorthorn Champion.
Brown Swiss Junior Champion went to R & S McColm’s Soulseat Pitagora Molly ahead of J West’s Farrick Wonder Italia.
Guernsey Junior Championship went to Page & Newman’s Blanches Mash Polyanthus ahead of the Addington Fund’s Willtown Mayflower.
Jersey Junior Champion went to the Saxby family’s Saxown Excitation Heidi 14 ahead of BA & JM Daw’s Bluegrass Grandprix Super Sonic Black under judge Mike Stiles.
For all the news and opinion from Livestock 2012 visit our dedicated page.