No men’s final for you…

The Forager has learned that 2 Sisters Food Group bossRanjit Singh will be entertaining Tesco chief executive Philip Clarke and hiswife at the Wimbledon men’s final in July.


How is the Forager privy to such information? Well, theinvitation was originally sent by Mr Singh to Poultry World editor PhilipClarke.



Initially suspicious, then elated, Poultry World’s PhilipClarke replied to Mr Singh in the affirmative and texted Mrs Clarke, advisingher to invest in a new frock. Mrs Clarke was almost wetting herself withexcitement.


But such elation was short-lived when, three hours later, asomewhat sheepish 2 Sisters communications director phoned to explain that itwas all a mistake and “on this occasion” it was Tesco’s Philip Clarke thatwould get the gig.


Poultry World’s Philip Clarke is looking forward to “thenext occasion” in eager anticipation. Mrs Clarke is still reeling from thedisappointment…

Post updated – Thursday 2 May.

A spokesperson for Tesco today called The Forager and asked to make readers aware that Mr Philip Clarke (Tesco) has declined his invite to the Men’s Final at Wimbledon.