Nominations sought for Young Poultry Person of the Year
Organisers of the Egg and Poultry Industry Conference (EPIC) are seeking nominations for a new Young Poultry Person of the Year award.
The award is being made in memory of well-know egg processor and industry figure, Clive Frampton, who died in March. The award will be presented at EPIC in November.
“Clive Frampton was a man of vision and always had a mind to the future,” said EPIC chairman John Cessford. “It is for this reason that nominations are invited for candidates under the age of 40.”
Candidates will be assessed on the following criteria:
- Contribution to the candidate’s company in particular, and the poultry industry in general.
- Policies, programmes and innovations initiated by the candidate that have significantly enhanced productivity or otherwise furthered the interests of the poultry industry.
The award covers both the egg and meat sectors. If you wish to nominate someone under 40 who has made an impact, please contact Poultry World editor Philip Clarke by email, or phone 020 8652 4921 by Friday 19 October, stating why the candidate deserves the award.
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