Royal Welsh 2013: Individual Sheep breed championships

Welsh Mountain (Pedigree)

Champion: Mr Euros Jones’ shearling ram.

Reserve: Mr T Russell Davies’ shearling ewe.


Welsh Mountain (Hill Flock)

Champion: Dafydd Jones a’r Teulu’s ewe.

Reserve: Dewi Jenkins’ ram (two shear and over).


South Wales Mountain Sheep

Champion: Williams Partners’ Ram (two shear and over).

Reserve: Mr E Williams’ ewe


Black Welsh Mountain

Champion: Will and Sam Workman’s shearling ram.

Reserve: Mr E O Williams’ shearling ewe.


Badger Face – Torddu

Champion: CA and R Joseph’s shearling ewe.

Reserve: Huw Williams’ ram.


Badger Face – Torwen

Champion: Alan Condell’s ram

Reserve: Mr and Mrs King’s shearling ewe


Balwen Welsh Mountain

Champion: Steffan Glyn Morgan’s shearling ram

Reserve: Jack Jones’ ewe


Welsh Hill Speckled Face

Champion: BL and JE Jones’ ram

Reserve: Caren Jones’ ewe


Beulah Speckled face

Champion: Mr and Mrs MJ and JM Price’s ram

Reserve: Miss A and EB Jones’ ram


Hill Radnor

Champion: E Owens’ shearling ewe

Reserve: DP Williams’ shearling ewe


Kerry Hill

Champion: J and P Owens’ shearling ewe

Reserve: A John’s ewe lamb


Brecknock Hill Cheviot

Champion: Mr and Mrs DG and B Thomas’ ram

Reserve: C, A and R Joseph’s shearling ewe



Champion: Mr AW Davies’ shearling ewe

Reserve: JA and R Gerald and Sons’ shearling ram


Border Leicester

Champion: IG Evans and Son’s Ram

Reserve: Mr and Mrs DJ and GA Watkins’ ewe


British Berrichon

Champion: GB Thomas’ ram

Reserve: Mr ST Pritchard’s ewe


Defaid Texel

Champion: D and T Bradley Farmer’s ram

Reserve: Boden and Davies’ Ram lamb


Hampshire Down

Champion: Mike Adams’ ram lamb

Reserve: E and B Jones’ ewe shearling



Champion: WH Sinnett and Sons shearling ewe

Reserve: Dafydd Jones’ shearling ewe