Thrunton picks up a patchy trade of Charolais bulls

Helping to pick up an incredibly patchy trade for intermediate bulls, the Campbell family have just sold Thrunton Defiance, a son of Talisman out of Thruntion Verse for 9000gns.

This one has a SRI index of +36 and a TI of +26.

At 7000gns Mr MacpHerson dug deep to secure lot 673, Auchincrieve Dornfelder from the McCombies. This Celtic Vichy son is out of Blelack Tania.

Allanfauld Dambuster has just followed (lot 675) for 9000gns. This one is by Harestone Tyrol out of a homebred cow.

Just after the Mackays sold Kilibreck Domino, a son of Edenhurst Titus with a positive calving value of 8.9 and a SRI of 37 for 6000gns. Lot 678, a Greenall Dickdastardly from the Green family has followed at 5000gns to Mr Richardson.