Facilities 50kph top speed. Switchable integrated engine/transmission management. Three driving modes: manual, auto, pto. Joystick or pedal driving as required.
Controls Joystick and foot pedal, the latter either a throttle or travel pedal depending on driving mode. Mode selector buttons under armrest cover. Cab pillar display shows maximum speed selected, plus bar graph of speed range. Armrest knobs handle engine load and response. One cruise control memory.
First level Depending on mode left by the last driver, you can operate this box like a stepless powershift – just select travel direction, then use the foot or hand throttles for revs. More joystick push equals higher gearing.
Second level Not much book study needed. In auto mode, foot throttle becomes a travel pedal. Push the stick to set target maximum speed, which can be varied on the move.
Intuitive system in all three modes: more so than Case at second level
Wide range of response speed, variable easily on move
High capacity for rpm reduction in draft work using eco mode
Very relaxed, very controllable drive in draft work using auto mode and max eco: as load reduces, revs automatically drop right back
Display’s bar chart always shows where transmission is set in its operating range
Sensibly big shuttle lever with duplicate buttons on joystick
Low-speed shuttling smooth, prompt
Single cruise control memory keeps things simple
Cruise easy to set from joystick button (push/hold)
In auto mode, full pedal movement automatically rescales to match target speed
Pushing clutch pedal automatically sets low maximum speed for inching
Unless slow response is set, asking for too much forward speed in manual mode will stall the engine. This is the only transmission to allow that
No significant rpm reduction on the road until speed drops to 30kph, so scope for transport fuel saving is very limited
Cruise speed can’t be dialled in with tractor stationary…
…Which makes it very hard to set a precise cruise target, as speed often varies during the system’s three-second acceptance delay
Single cruise memory not as flexible as others’ multiple memories – can’t set separate speeds for headland approach and turn
Control electronics slow to react to changing loads in transport (but not in draft work), hunting for the best gear/revs setting
High-speed shuttling unpredictable; tractor can speed up before slowing to change direction
Joystick shuttle buttons need a neutral position
No problem. Call up pto mode, which decouples forward speed and engine revs. Set pto rpm manually, then store rpm in easy-to-use throttle memory. Move off and set cruise speed on joystick (see above for caution). Transmission then holds speed steady over slopes.
Use as above when able to work at set cruise speed. To transfer control to the travel pedal, switch out cruise at the joystick; then you have manual control over the whole set speed range. Need to adjust response carefully to tame reaction to pedal at very low speed, for instance when feeding a lumpy swath.