Tillage-Live 2012 to go ahead despite bad weather

Tillage-Live will go ahead as planned on Wednesday 3 October, despite the atrocious weather that has hit the north of England and Scotland over the past week.

The event, at Westfield, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 4HQ, offers growers with an opportunity to cast their eyes over the latest establishment methods and the effect they have on soil structure.

It is the biggest practical demonstration of soil-working equipment in the UK and visitors can see the latest tractors, cultivators and seed drills in the field.

Knowledge trail

  • Effective and economical weed control

  • Best practice on sprayer and container cleaning

  • Best practice on pelleting

  • Focus on soil structure

  • Controlled traffic farming

  • Autosteer and guidance systems in practice

There’s also the chance for operators to get a hands-on drive of the latest sprayers and gain experience of using guidance and auto-steer equipped tractors and machines.

Four BASIS and four NRoSO points are available for those attending.

Gates open from 8am and prices for the event are £10 a car on the gate, or £7.50 a car if you book the tickets in advance online at www.tillage-live.uk.com

For more details see the Tillage-Live website or call 0845 4900 142.

More on this topic

For more updates see our Tillage-Live 2012 event page

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