18% tally for CLAin sampled flocks, says SAC
18% tally for CLAin sampled flocks, says SAC
CASEOUS lymphadenitis (CLA) was found in 18% of sheep flocks sampled last year by the SAC vet science division and disease spread could increase during restocking without identification of infected animals.
More than 2500 blood samples taken from pedigree terminal sire rams throughout Great Britain were tested in Holland, where the Dutch central vet lab is developing an experimental test for CLA.
There is no commercial test or treatment for CLA in the UK, says Graham Baird of SAC, St Boswells. "But this is a useful test which appears to be effective at picking out the disease. Ideally, the test will become commercially available for a health scheme, equivalent to the maedi-visna scheme."
Out of 745 flocks tested, 134 flocks had one or more positive animals. "The results were unexpected and this raises concerns about how widespread the disease may be in UKterminal sire breeds," Mr Baird adds.
Preventing CLA entering a flock depends on close examination of stock for puss-filled lumps before they are introduced. Disease control can be achieved through culling infected animals from flocks, keeping dirty and clean stock separate and rearing weaned lambs away from infected adults, he advises. *