Abattoirs grinding back into action

23 March 2001

Abattoirs grinding back into action

MANY large abattoirs are back in operation this week although throughput is significantly lower than before the foot-and-mouth crisis erupted.

Slaughter statistics from MAFF for the week ending Mar 10, repeat the previous weeks pattern of low throughputs. This showed that at the start of the crisis, cattle numbers were just a third of the pre-outbreak level at about 17,000 head. Sheep numbers were down by over a third to 164,000 head and pigs fell over 80% to just 31,500 head.

Despite lower stock numbers most independent plants have remained open, says the Small Abattoir Association. However, many are now experiencing difficulty in securing clean stock from uninfected areas for slaughter.

Some plant closures were inevitable. Beef processor ABP has shut its slaughter lines at Ellesmere while the nearby Shrewsbury-based plant remains in operation, albeit at a lower volume. "Packing operations are continuing, but some staff have been moved to help set up vehicle disinfection and washing units," says the companys Bob White.

At Dawn Cardington – the dedicated Safeway meat plant – near Bedford, abattoir hooks were still empty mid-week. A third of staff have been laid off or asked to take holiday, says a spokesman. Other Dawn Meat plants are back in action, but again throughputs are down. &#42

Cleaning and disinfecting lorries is keeping staff busy at some abattoirs.

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